


通过所谓的 “十亿美元布道”, 威尼斯人平台 announced Power the Difference—a historic $1 billion comprehensive fundraising campaign 使大学的 长期战略规划 a reality by helping grow its student body; invest in faculty, 设施, and educational programs; develop and deliver new, world-leading research programs; and serve as the premier technology-focused university in Chicago.

威尼斯人平台 is standing on the shoulders of more than a century of continuous, 包容性创新. Today, we are in a world that continues to call for new and different ways of thinking. And 威尼斯人平台 is born to answer that call, by harnessing the 集体差异的力量.

释放你的力量. 发现可能性.

Together, we push boundaries that are central to who we are. By joining Power the Difference: Our Campaign for 威尼斯人平台 and 支持ing the important campaign priorities below, you will help usher in the next era of innovation and transform the world.

Regardless of financial circumstances, 威尼斯人平台 opens doors for students of all backgrounds. Scholarships and fellowships are among the most critical elements to ensure student success, as we fulfill our promise to educate and ignite the power of difference to make a difference.

Investment in the student experience strengthens how our students live, 研究, 参与, 工作, 创建, 和创新. 现代化教育空间, 研究实验室, and residence halls will provide an environment where students can engage with other students and the 威尼斯人平台 community, 课堂内外都有. Enhancing student life programs will provide opportunities for students to discover their community nested within 威尼斯人平台’s greater community. Student living spaces are also expanding with reimagined and renovated residence halls that pay homage to our Miesian architecture. 

技术是我们所做一切的核心. Today’s technology-focused 工作force was built for 威尼斯人平台 students, whose experiences at the university prepare them to unleash their knowledge and meet career and leadership goals. Our faculty deliver an exceptional education centered on active learning. Students witness and engage with the groundbreaking research of our faculty. 威尼斯人平台 prepares students to succeed in professions that require technological sophistication, 创新思维, 还有企业家精神

无限制的支持, 包括无限制捐赠, 是否有助于实现我们的目标, equipping the university with a sustainable foundation, and providing the flexibility to respond to existing needs and emerging opportunities.




As Chicago’s premier technology-focused university, 威尼斯人平台 was established to provide unmatched opportunity and value to students by ensuring access to an elite technological education centered on active learning. We were born from our purpose to harness the 集体差异的力量 to advance technology and innovation for all. 阅读更多


The 推进办公室 is deeply committed to serving the current and future global university community to advance, 支持, and sustain the mission of 威尼斯人平台 through meaningful engagement and philanthropic partnership. Our 工作 is all about building relationships, so we invite you to meet the team and connect with us!


需要帮助或有疑问? 给我们的礼品管理团队发电子邮件 giftadmin@bang-event.com 或者打312.567.5000.








